Thursday, 12 December 2013

PLAYLIST 12/12/13 - Distant Locust special

This show dedicated to legendary Sydney trio DISTANT LOCUST.

An hour's worth of DL material, spanning releases from 1988 up to their final in 1996.

Track Title | Release | Record label
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Father's suit | s/t EP | Amo Records
Top of the world | Top of the world EP | self released
Priest lies | Chemical Wedding Feast LP | Contempo
Astronaut meets God | Chemical Wedding Feast LP | Contempo
Love's slow learner | Chemical Wedding Feast LP | Contempo
Silence takes hold | Fearful Pleasure LP | self released
Welcome to the Fishsmack | Fearful Pleasure LP | self released
Chemical wedding feast | Fearful Pleasure LP | self released
Rush hour of the gods | Fearful Pleasure LP | self released
Live at Evening Star Hotel | Hot Curry Junior | self released

STREAM HERE (this week filling in for Junkyard)

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

UPCOMING: Distant Locust special

Tomorrow night on PBS 106.7 fm - Thursday 12th December, from 7 - 8pm,
I will be filling in for Michael Mulholland's show 'Junkyard'.
In keeping with the program's theme, a certain band will be featured.

The spotlight will be on the tense, formidable, impassioned, and
somewhat elusive Sydney group: DISTANT LOCUST.

Tune in, and enjoy select recordings from their ten year existence (1986-96).

L - R: Matthew Bright, Steven Moore, Brian Purcell.
Photo taken from the official Distant Locust website.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

PLAYLIST 14/11/13

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram     

The Stevens / From puberty to success / Chapter Music
Small World Experience / Get lost / Spill
Manchester Mourning / Duffle / Rough Skies Records

Per Purpose / Loss recuperation / Bedroom Suck
Tax / Arms / No Patience
True Radical Miracle / The worms have won / Iron Lung

Cured Pink / How do I speak to that / Breakdance The Dawn
Blank Realm / Pendulum swing / Bedroom Suck

Batrider / Santanana / No Promo Records, Remote Control
Sharpie Crows / No grapes / self released

Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing / Garden of pomegranates / Muzai Records
This Kind Of Punishment / In view of the circumstances / Flying Nun Records

The Dead C / Tusk / Siltbreeze
Where Were You At Lunch / Wife / Obie Gong

Panel Of Judges / Trapped in amber / Gothic Pharoah
Breaking The Law / Name up in lights / Demonlover Records, Jonestown Records
The Frustrations / Ricochet / Varispeed

Rejex / Who wants to march? / Small Axe
The Lazy Cowgirls / Jungle song / Dog Meat Records
Budd / Helpmeswell / Fellaheen

Plug Uglies / Johnny Panic / Rattlesnake Records
Ed Kuepper / No more sentimental jokes / Hot Records
Not Drowning, Waving / The wooden box / Rampant Records

Solids / Gling-pa / Spill, FTSM
Volvox / We’ve got them / dualpLOVER, Spill
Chrome Dome / Waste of time and space / EXSS

The Screaming Meemees / ‘F’ is for fear / Propeller Records
Sonya Waters / Grey rooms / Strange Weekend
Big Sideways / Conversation with a machine / Strange Weekend

The Xmas Hold / Stand in a crowd / Amo Records
21 Faces / Michelle’s in love / Pagan Records
Equal Local / Lamp that / Chapter Music

Crab Smasher / Ring out your great bells in victory / Monstera Deliciosa
Ian Wadley / Forgotten you / Sweat Lung

Gary Mangred / Don’t touch me / self released
Skeptics / Turnover / Flying Nun Records

Automating / Reducing sleep / self released
Loveletting / Never in the dark / Alberts Basement
* this week filling in for Bangin' Radio *

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

PLAYLIST 31/10/13

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram   

Fig. / Here comes the bird / Eternal Soundcheck
Barbiturates / Gone done it / Lost Race Records
Gerald Keaney & The Gerald Keaneys / untitled / Seedy Records

Essendon Airport / Like young / Chapter Music
Pel Mel / Head above water / GAP records
The Lyrebirds / Fall from grace / self released

Psalm Beach / Wild / self released

All Pet Enclosures / The sea of inebrity / self released

Infinite Decimals / 6.2831853071794.. / self released

Absoluten Calfeutrail / Void bazaar / Sabbatical Records
Alzheimer Blanks / untitled / Magik Crowbar 

Monster Monster Monster / The subliminal life / Unstable Ape 
Paul Of Blood / Maggot to fly [the education anthem] / self released
Toy Death / Voodoo / self released

Aux Assembly / Trainsaw massacre / Sabbatical Records

San Jose Cow Muzak / Hero King Beatle / Spill
Minimum Chips / Walkman / Spill
The Worms / Nazca Lines / Spill

Corpse Grinders / I eat babies / self released
The Hard-Ons / Sick of being sick / Waterfront Records
Exploding White Mice / Without warning / Greasy record company, Festival records

The Stems / Tears me in two / Citadel
The Philisteins / Early morning memory / Greasy Pop Records
Quintrex Bop / Judith / self released

A. Wallace & Tom Hall / Night King Of The Time World / self released

Drumheller / untitled / self released

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

PLAYLIST 17/10/13

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram     

Dane Certificate / I’m on your side / self released
Nevernudes / White teethed teens / Mole Music
Popolice / Would you believe / self released

Drunk Elk / Bones of a blackbird / Wormwood Grasshoper
Muura / untitled / Alberts Basement
Greg Boring / About time / Critical Heights
Mad Nanna / If I don't sleep tonight / Negative Guest List

Jaguar Is Jaguar / Staffroom / Million To One Records
Molasses / Hello rain / Chapter Music, H. Records
Sleepy Township / The point / Chapter Music, H. Records
Flywheel / It’s been a while / Spit And A Half

Let’s Go Naked / Just what it seems / Waterfront Records
White Cross / She lives in another world / Crash Records
Ups And Downs / Out of the darkness  / Basketcase Records

Tactics / Long story / Green Records
The Moles / Breathe me in / Kill Shaman
3D’s / Something in the water / Flying Nun Records

Kiss My Poodles Donkey / Mace / Hot Records
The Ministry Of Love / He was a failure / Amo Records
Sham Cabaret / Big alley wheel / Sham Records

Nekrasov / Mountain ash / self released
Damaged / Token remedies research / Rotten Records

Justin Fuller / Site 1 Site 2 / Sabbatical Records

Whirlywirld / MOTO / Missing Link Records
Champagne Edge / A different direction / Au Go Go
Spelling Mistakes / Hate me, hate me / Propeller Records

Pel Mel / Screaming heart / GAP Records
The Eyes / Feel no pain / Ata Records
The Ears / One light / self released

Honeymoon In Green / Angels bringing / Rampant Releases
Clowns Smiling Backwards / Blur!!! / Giggle Records
Practical Folk Music / La de da exon / Giggle Records

The Spectre’s Revenge / No moon at midnight / Au Go Go
The Eastern Dark / I don't take LSD / Half A Cow                 
The Lonely Hearts / Last kiss / Laughing Outlaw Records

The Shower Scene From Psycho / Why me? / Elvis Records
Fungus Brains / Real world / Dr Jim’s Records
Nunbait / Erotic auto accident / Waterfront Records

Monolith / Tombs / Iceage Productions

Rites Wild / Mass exodus / Iceage Productions
The Charles Ives Singers / I-Pod on genre early morning music / Alberts Basement

Wardenburger / untitled / Hashram
* this week filling in for Bangin' Radio *

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

PLAYLIST 3/10/13

Artist / Track title / Record label

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram  

Sweater / Polarities / self released
Mean Girls / Marginalised / self released
Igor / Tantrum / self released

The DHDFD’s / Pessimist / Hell Is Now Love Records
Proton Beast / Ted zeppelin / Hell Is Now Love Records
Lost Rockets / Look so tired / Hell Is Now Love Records

The Postures / Bushwalker / Hell Is Now Love Records
Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing / Migraine victims and the cicadas / Muzai Records

Carb On Carb / edition / Papaiti Records
Dogs Are Better Than Cats / In convenience / self released          
Teddy Trouble / Corroboree park / Dream Damage

Naked / Fierce / self released
Polyfox And The Union Of The Most Ghosts / Rain in the sink / Unique Beautiful Flowers
Zombie Psychologist / 420 / Peking Tapes (forthcoming)

The Stevens / Elpho beach / Anti Fade Records
Terrible Truths / Diamond / Anti Fade Records
Destiny 3000 / The real (Kim) deal / self released

Ghastly Spats / Sordid / Heinous Anus Records
Kitchen’s Floor / Orbit / RIP Society
Woollen Kits / Teenage love / Periodic Collective

Baseball / When man and machine work as a team / Thirsty Arab Records
Dane Certificate / Runaway / self released
Hit The Jackpot / Animal wedding / Fuken Stoner Records
The Vivian Girls / Hearts and arrows / Radio One, Patsy

Sea Scouts / Strange loop / Unstable Ape
Chris Smith / Altitude / Avalanche Express
Chris Heazlewood / Surfs up in Malibu / Flying Nun Records

Glass / Little nothing / Giggle Records
Pray TV / Ride / Shock Records
Small World Experience / Too far gone / Spill

Matrimony / Motorbiker / Frock Productions
Have A Nice Day / Fill me up / Shock Records
Toys Went Beserk / Sticks and stones / Aberrant Records

The Numbers / I don’t know / Deluxe Records
The -ists / Reason or rhyme / Greasy Pop Records
The Hummingbirds / Everything you said / Phantom Records
Craven Fops / Off your guard / Half A Cow Records

Box Of Fish / Insanity battles / Method Records
What?! / Campbell’s song / Aberrant Records
Microfilm / Centrefold / Chapter Music

The Moodists / She cackles / Red Flame
Head Undone / Doctor / Crash Records
The Renderers / Half life / Ajax Records

X / Half way round the world (live) / Aztec Music
Just Urbain / Burning / Dropkick
The Leftovers / No complaints (live) / Dropkick

Sardine / Stuck on you / Laughing Outlaw Records
Distant Locust / Disco inferno / Amo Records
Severed Heads / Cyflea, Rated R / Ink Records

S.P.K. / Day of pigs / Side Effects

Skeptics / Crave / Flying Nun Records
* this week filling in for Bangin' Radio *

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

PLAYLIST 19/09/13

Artist / Track title / Record label

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram    

Tax / Bent spear / No Patience (forthcoming)
Shovels / Multiple furrow / (forthcoming)
Midnight Caller / Falling scale / self released

Shebeen Queen / Change my mind / self released
Dag / Staying cheap / unreleased

Helta Skelta / Rust / Helta Skelta Records
The Kremlings / Little ape / Anti Fade Records
Housewives / Searching for the slug / Anti Fade Records
Leather Towel / Natural disasters (live) /

TV Colours / The Neighbourhood / Dream Damage
Zombie Psychologist / Nobody would help / Peking Tapes (forthcoming)

Barbiturates / Double happiness / Lost Race Records
Barrage / Poisoned / Mistletone
Lost Animal / The only ghost in the room / unreleased

The Friendsters / Desperation / Heavy Lows
Mangelwurzel / Piece of piss / unreleased
Satanic Rockers / Neighbours / Alberts Basement, Black Petal, Sunshine & Grease

Hammering The Cramps / Lemmings / Wormwood Grasshopper
Faspeedelay / Meditation / Neumusak
Paul Kidney Experience / Invocation of Gary Glitter / Neumusak

The Bunyip Moon / Metal mickey (live) / unreleased
Per Purpose / Reaction (live) / unreleased
Useless Children / Post Ending (live) / unreleased
Spite House / Dreams (live) / unreleased

Cured Pink / Vehicle for local government, shopping centre management and customers on one hand, and (most frequently) / self released
Wasted Idol / Kindling / self released
Eko Eko Azarak / I'd love you more if you weren't a national socialist / Sabbatical Records

Dead Boomers / Send flirts and modify your profile / Sabbatical Records
Wet Taxis / Miniamata / Terse Tapes
FFEHRO / untitled (excerpt) / Alberts Basement

Extrafoxx / Ten songs of love / Alberts Basement
Morning & The Sleepy Kids / For no apparent reason / Alberts Basement
Jonny Telafone / Teenage kicks (The Undertones cover) / unreleased

Old Growth Cola / Haven't you heard? / self released
Gerald Keaney & the Gerald Kearneys / Fully medieval / self released
Clag / Chips and gravy / Either Way Records

Gravel Samwidge / RTM / Neumusak
Sewers / General gore / Homeless Records
Stag / Seriously / Disembraining Machine

Hardy Coxon / The Postman / Fuken Stoner Records
Kiosk / Ratt boy / Art School Dropout
The Frustrations / Prov. for milk and bread / Consumer Productions

Umbilical Tentacle / The suction / Tenzenmen
Roskopp / Second wave / Blastasfuk

Dumb and The Ugly / Lucky 8 / Dr Jim’s Records
Phlegm / Merrylands dandruff foundation / Dr Jim’s Records
* this week filling in for Bangin' Radio *

Saturday, 20 July 2013

PLAYLIST 21/07/13 (debut slot)

Artist / Track title / Record label

TISM / Let’s club it to death / Phonogram 

Naked On The Vague / Mysterious oven / Siltbreeze
Sewers / Grease my chain / self released
King Tears Mortuary / Safe sex / self released

The Native Cats / Self rep / Rough Skies Records, Ride The Snake
The Bad Luck Charms / Rice and poetry / Rough Skies Records
The Lucky Dips / Assistance / Rough Skies Records

Hex On The Beach / Blud / self released
Igor / Catherine / unreleased demo
Spite House / Act natural / Heavy Lows

Cured Pink / Body body body i need it i need it i need it / Black Petal

Teen Archer / Out of the jungle and into your home / Exo Records
Lubricated Goat / Prayer for blood / Black Eye Records
Zond / Monkey / Spanish Magic

Distant Locust / Father's suit / Amo Records                                                       
Headless Chickens / Donka / Flying Nun Records

Castings / I’m in my war face / Spanish Magic

Where Were You At Lunch / Toshio / Obei Gong
School Girl Report / They could've laughed better in bed together / Heavy Lows

Mouth / Private property / Destroyer Records
No I Never / What you deserve / Outcast Records
Treehouse / Half baked / self released

Knee Chin / Trust milk / Unique Beautiful Flowers
Dane Certificate / Baby / Fooftik Records
Popolice / Passing out (on the flange) / self released

No / Slave / Au Go Go
Das Butcher / All in blood / Saucerlike Recordings

Mental Powers / D + D / Badminton Bandit

Death Sentence / Cease to exist / Burrito Records
Agents Of Abhorrence / Heart(less) / Numerical Thief
Damaged / Equimanthorn (Bathory cover) / Black Hole Records

Food. / Essay Au Go Go
Nunbait / Track trauma / Masterbait Music Inc.
Seesaw / Little hater / self released

The Terminals / Mothlight / Flying Nun Records, Festival Records
Even As We Speak / Brain / Phantom Records
The Moffs / Another day in the sun / Citadel

Gerald Keaney and the Gerald Keaneys / Recording chamber / self released
Go Genre Everything / Shake it till you can't fake it / Munchiegohilarious
feedtime / Motorbike girl / Rough Trade
Deaf Wish / It’s sick / Idget Child, Stained Circles

Pronoun / (untitled) / self released

Wonderfuls / Young hearts / Negative Guest List
Children’s Hour / Go slow / Flying Nun Records
Bang! Bang! Aids! / The calder / self released

Wolf 359 / Strange transmission / Iceage Productions
Melodies / Little red spider / self released

The Bunyip Moon / Many skeletons / self released

The Dirty Three / The last night / Torn & Frayed

Saturday, 29 June 2013